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Trustless API

Crowdsourced intelligence you can trust.

User-Owned APIs written, validated, reviewed, and updated under token-governed ownership & community supervision.

Domain-Specific API Network

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Our Product



I can build almost anything. 

What do you have in mind?

Meet MAY, world’s first low-code AI engineer

Zero-to-MVP in seconds


Built at lightspeed. Simply describe which application you wish to build. Let MAY specify functions, source & merge APIs, package a custom backend package, and deploy.

Zero Servers

Build better, scale automatically. Keep everything in our cloud for 30x faster development and no operational overhead.


Welcome to the

Decentralized future

of code generation
& governance

Hello people!

TICLE is a low-code API protocol that governs & adopts 

user-owned APIs for rapid commercial application

Peer-to-peer Review

Code validation

AI Scoring & monitoring

API curation

Ticle Governance

More code is never better code.

Coders Assemble.

Keep human-in-the-loop. 

Be the first to preoccupy meaningful APIs that will most widely be used.

Together, we build a properly governed open source 
to surpass big AI corps in agility & scalability. 

We will soon be whitelisting the first batch of coders to publish their APIs to our cloud. Pioneer TICLE’s developer community & bring freedom/power to human developers.

AI still needs us. And always will. 

Copyright © 2024 Ticle Inc. All rights reserved.